We create platforms that promote the connection of actors and generate social innovations
The I-Lab promotes the generation of innovations with social impact when the problem is not defined, the demand is not structured and the – usually complex – solution is not offered by one single discipline but requires the participation of multiple actors. To make this work we promote the use of technology and other collaborative methodologies.
What are the challenges to the social and economic inclusion of people deprived of liberty after their release? How can young people deprived of liberty help us to reduce crime?
A new initiative that is being launched.
What are the challenges to the social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in the region?
How to improve the educational experience and inclusion of children with disabilities by introducing technology to a low-income community in Ecuador?
What are the main challenges related to the access to drinking water in rural and low-income regions of Colombia?
What are the main challenges related to the access to clean and renewable energy in the pacific region of Colombia?
What are the main challenges for the region of Aysén, which is geographically dispersed and far from the centers of political and economic power of Chile?
How can we use mobile services to address the most pressing social and economic problems of low-income people in Latin America?
In the context of the International Book fair (FIL) in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2014 and 2015, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) organized a Hackathon of Scientific Journalism and Innovation. The objective of the event was to stimulate the generation of ideas, projects and innovative initiatives in journalism and communication in the field of science, technology and innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Hackathon for Scientific Journalism and Innovation 2014
Hackathon for Scientific Journalism and Innovation 2015
Winning project of the Hackathon 2014: Explora a Conciencia is a a multimedia platform (printed book, website, mobile app) which contains key information in the field of science, technology and innovationabout a touristic destinations with maps, pictures, suggested activities and recommended links. At the moment this is only available for Chile.
Winning project of the Hackathon 2015: Interfuente is a platform that aims at promoting the development of collaborative stories in the field of science, technology and innovation, by linking Latin American journalists and aiming at having a regional impact.
"Public-private partnerships are essential in bringing high-impact social innovations to fruition. The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) would provide a private-public partnership structure createdby governments with funding and support from the IDB, which would aim at maximizingtaxpayer money to achieve the largest social impact by mobilizing additional resources from theprivate sector"
The purpose of this concept note is to serve as a background document for aninternal discussion of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) about a newapproach to address social problems by combining the experience and capabilitiesof the Bank’s public and private sector windows. This document calls for thecreation of the Social Innovation Fund (SIF) as an IDB country-specific programthat would leverage public and private funds for the purpose of scaling up high-impactsocial innovation by combining citizens’ ideas, governments’ enablingmechanisms, and the private sector’s flexibility, drive, and capital for innovation.
If you are part of a national or local government, a member of a civic organization, if you are a (social) entrepreneur and have ideas to generate connections that promote new solutions to social needs, write us so we can build bridges between problems and solutions through social innovation together.