Idea #15

Recently Posted Ideas Ideas by Division Most Voted Ideas - connecting underpriviledged students with professionals

This idea proposes a service matching skilled professionals with underpriviledged students of all levels (primary, secondary or even tertiary). The students would need academic support in various subject areas but may not be able to afford additional lessons or classes. The professionals would be matched with them, to work with these students a couple of hours per week, to help them strengthen their weak areas. Professionals and students would be matched based on common interests, similar to methods used in popular dating websites such as Technology would facilitate this project, allowing for the professionals and students to be geographically dispersed. Sessions would take place using video or audio technology such as Skype. Since internet access and access to computers may be limited, the project would partner with libraries and universities nationally, regionally and internationally to ensure a broader reach to students who most need this type of support.

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