Publications in SCI per 100,000 Inhabitants, from 1990 to 2007
Source: RICYT
This chart shows the evolution of publications per 100,000 inhabitants in individual Latin American Countries from 1990-2007. The figures in the compendium illustrate the performance of LAC with respect to the rest of the world, but this chart provides information about publication output in an absolute (not relative) sense. The region as a whole is increasing its output of publications per capita over time, with Chile, Argentina and Uruguay leading the region. The rate of publication growth in Uruguay is particularly impressive. Other countries, such as Honduras have slightly decreased publication output over the same period. Select any country in the side bar to the right of the chart to see the progression of publications per 100,000 inhabitants for that individual economy.
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- R&D Efforts in Latin America and the Caribbean versus South Korea from 1970 to 2007
- Productivity Catch-Up (Total Factor Productivity Index Relative to the United States, 1960=1)
- Obstacles to Firm Innovation
- Latin American and Caribbean Participation in Selected ISO Technical Committees
- Capability Lags: Median Number of Years Required for LAC to Reach OECD Capability Levels
- Computers and Mobile Cellular Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants