Education Gallaudet University
F123 Consulting
The F123 Group designs and manages projects in the areas of poverty reduction, technology, and disability. The group provides NGOs, educational institutions, foundations, government agencies, individuals, and international organizations with project management and technical development services, as well as professional low-cost software and training for blind and visually impaired person.
The global partnership for disability and development (GPDD) is a global initiative to strengthen international cooperation to accelerate the integration of disability issues into mainstream social and economic development efforts.
MIF Multilateral Investment Fund
MIF supports economic growth and poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean encouraging private investment and advancing private sector development. It works with the private sector to develop and execute innovative business models that benefit entrepreneurs and poor and low-income households. It partners with a wide variety of institutions from the private, public and nonprofit sectors, evaluating results and sharing lessons learned.
Forum empresa is an American alliance of CSR-based business organizations that promotes corporate social responsibility (CSR) throughout the Americas. FORUM EMPRESA brings together CSR-based organizations and associated companies that share the same vision of promoting CSR in the Americas. It encourage CSR practices within American companies, working jointly with other kinds of organizations on a case-by-case basis, to develop projects specially focused on promoting CSR within a specific country or region.
ONCE Fundation
The ONCE Foundation for Cooperation and the Social Integration of People with Disabilities has over twenty years of experience with the principal organizations for disabled people in Spain, including more than 3,000 associations and entities, which represent the 3.8 million people with disabilities and their families that exist in Spain.
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
Established in 1959, IDB is the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, with a strong commitment to achieve measurable results, increased integrity, transparency and accountability.